Wednesday 6 January 2010


Hello Everyone!

Hope everyone is well and had a lovely christmas ( and birthday Fran!) And new year! BLIMEY! Well im now officially no longer a teen! How odd!!!

I had a really lovely birthday i got up to skype then prepped my turkey lurkey... Yess Ive officially cooked a christmas dinner! I then went for a ski, which might i add was a lot more successful than my last christmas fiasco! The christmas dinner went down a success we had loooads of food, and yummy pudding!!

I also got a second job and started on boxing day so ive been working pretty hard there, lots of work not a lot of play. Although im starting to ski more now. And Lauren, Mum, Pete & Angus all arrive soon! yay!!

New years we went out for a big meal and a few cocktails, then watched a firework display, and the torchlight parade ( people skiing down the moutain in the dark with fire batons!) it was all very nice!! We then came back for a few more drinks and came into the new year in a hot tub. Fab! Early night was in bed by 1am as i had a busy next day!

Would love to skype you all soon? Dad i havnt managed to hear from you in a while so would love to catch up soon!!!

Lots of love

Meg xxxx